Saturday, December 19, 2009

News - Newspaper

Newspapers are the medium used for the transfer of knowledge, used to advertise any product or service and entertain the different used of the newspapers. Newspaper is considered as a hot medium for the audience as it conveys its messages easily and readily to the audience it caters. Newspaper is not only read by the adults but there are pages in the newspapers for children, for businessmen and for entertainment along with the basic purpose of providing knowledge. Newspapers were firstly made to provide information to the general public. But as the time passed and as the new era came up, the requirements of the public have been changed. For this purpose, the newspaper of now is quite different from that of the early 19th century. We have much more advertisements found in today’s newspaper as compared to that of the last century. There are different types of newspapers including Business recorders for businessmen, a newspaper for children with jokes, stories and puzzles riddles, and for the ladies, are the gossip corners, celebrities’ chats, daily problem’s solutions. These all types of entertainment is found there in one newspaper.
In terms of the advertisements in newspapers “Classified advertisements” have 20% share , Telephone/mobile communications have a 10% share, Educational Institutes have a 7% share, Banks also have a 7% share, real estate 6%, T.V. and Radio Stations 9%, Job opportunities/Notices5 %, Cinema 2%, Savings and Investment 1% and others 32%. This gives a brief idea of the percentages out of 100 that what and how are they allocated in terms of advertisements in the newspapers. Businesses have an advantage of giving advertisement in the newspapers that it reaches maximum number of the population. So, the exposure of the ad to the audience is not limited and is much cheaper as compared to the other media.


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